Greenwood Gospel Chapel
But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
" Jesus Loves You"

We have returned to meetings at the chapel
Please note the new times:
Breaking of Bread: 10:00 AM
Family Bible Hour: 11:30 AM
Evening Service: 6:30 PM
Services are also on Zoom
Meeting ID: 669 006 8060
Passcode: 456520
or click link button below:
"Join Greenwood Meeting"
Greenwood Gospel Chapel is an independent Christian church located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We seek to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by providing warm fellowship and Bible teaching for everyone in your family. We would welcome you to join us!
Sunday Services
10:00 AM Lord's Supper
11:30 AM Family Bible Hour
11:30 AM Sunday School
6:30 PM Evening Service
*Please note that nursery care is available during Sunday meetings
Prayer & Bible Study 7:30 PM
Currently Studying in the Book of 1 Corinthians.
Any additional services will be announced on our notice board and on our website.
Kids Clubs
Senior Girls Club
Mondays 7:00 PM
Greenwood Gospel Chapel
Junior Girls Club
Wednesday's 7:00 PM
Greenwood Gospel Chapel
Location And Contact Information
949 Greenwood Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M4J 4C5
Phone : 416.465.8347 or Email: info@greenwoodgospelchapel.ca